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In the second installment of MM+M’s inaugural online #TrendTalks event in April, a group of seasoned pharma marketers and other industry experts gathered for a virtual roundtable, led by MM+M’s editor-at-large Marc Iskowitz, for an authentic and insightful discussion on what marketing will look like in a post-COVID era.

Largely driven by key data points garnered from MM+M’s latest Healthcare Marketers Survey, participants discussed how having more ready access to digital “front-door” solutions impacts the patient journey, and weighed in on the utility of tactics such as HCP office materials at a time when patients and caregivers were delaying their care or seeking it online. The group also touched on which digital channels they’ve found to be most effective in reaching clinical audiences over the course of the pandemic. 

Open this eBook for some of the incredible takeaways shared and don’t miss our upcoming Trend Talks 2.0: Continuing the Conversation webcast on Thursday, June 24, at 1 p.m. ET.

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