Engage HCPs with meaningful and effective digital solutions...

From telehealth to digital reps to virtual congresses, COVID-19 has fueled the use of technology in the pharma-provider relationship. The pandemic is accelerating trends that were already stirring—in-person pharma field rep visits to physicians’ offices were already on the decline, and are now essentially shut down. 

In response to these trends, pharma brands are pivoting and re-engineering their marketing efforts, as they look to engage HCP's with meaningful and effective digital solutions toward the steadfast goal of improving patient outcomes. 

In this free Special Report, you’ll read about:

  • Tools offered by pharma marketers and technology solution providers help life science brands navigate engagement with HCPs, as COVID-19 changes standard operating procedures.
  • A report that found personalized and emotional messages are more effective to urge doctors to make better health decisions.
  • A study released earlier this year that shows that over the last three years – even before the scourge of the pandemic – the migration to digital health has picked up markedly. A separate study suggests marketers, too, have increased their use of digital HCP-engagement tactics. 

Don't miss out, download this free eBook today!

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